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Engineering and agronomical solutions for
protected ground greenhouses

Agricultural Projects International FZE is a high-tech assistant in terms of design engineering, construction and technological equipment of greenhouse complexes.

Our specialization - protected ground greenhouse complexes.
We are ready to offer both the implementation of the project from greenfield "on a turnkey basis" and the modernization of existing operational facilities.
The company staff includes single-discipline agricultural technologists and engineers who have hands-on experience in implementation of the projects in various parts of the world. We use the most advanced solutions subject to the legal rules and climatic conditions of the region in which the greenhouse complex operates.


Our services

We offer a full range of services for agricultural enterprises specializing in vegetable production in protected ground

Cost-effectiveness analysis of the project

at the stage of the business plan

Development of design and design estimate documentation

with a guarantee of examination

Construction of greenhouse complexes

using frame-modular construction technology

A full range of installation, start-up and commissioning

of utility systems and technological equipment

Completing greenhouse complexes with special-purpose equipment

(drip irrigation systems, ventilation systems,

supplementary lighting systems, screening systems, automation and control systems)

More details

Start a New greenhouse project?

Contact Us

For each project we establish relationships with partners.